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What Is A Scripture And How Is It Different From A Verse
Often Bible reading beginners ask us about what is Scripture, and how is it different from the verse? If you are thinking about studying the Holy Scripture or a Holy Bible verse, then understanding these essential Biblical terms will help you meet your goals. In this...
106 Christian Wishes For Newly Weds With Bible Verses
Biblical wishes for new couple could turn out to be blessings that lead them throughout the years ahead. A wedding is a lovely occasion designed to mark the union of two wonderful people. Explore all our beautiful and meaningful wishes for the wedded pair. 106...
How to Introduce Toddlers to Jesus in 11 Inspiring & Thoughtful Ways?
Introducing your child to God is one of the most important jobs that you have to do as a parent. Teaching them early about Jesus helps strengthen their faith as they grow older.
Did You Know These Facts About the King James Bible (KJV)?
In my 15 years of reading, I have come across several little known facts about the King James Bible. In this blog, I will be sharing with you the collection of these rare facts.
Why I Have Been Reading the King James Bible for More than 15 Years?
For more than four centuries now, the King James Bible has been read by most Protestants from across the World. The version has stood the test of time to become the most popular.